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Expat Compliance
Manage Foreign People in Italy or from Italy
We help you to check that hiring-out of employees is allowed and if so under what conditions: In some European countries, the hiring-out of employees is strictly regulated. This may be a matter of concern in secondment situations as the employee remains in service of his Home Country employer while he may receive instructions from the affiliate or subsidiary in the Host Country. In some countries (e.g. Belgium, Luxembourg, France) such situation is already regarded as a prohibited hiring-out of employees. Non-compliance with the rules on prohibited hiring-out of employees may in some countries entail criminal penalties and/or civil penalties such as the joint liability between the Home Country Company and the Host Company for all employment conditions or the deemed existence of a permanent local employment agreement between the employee and the Host Company. Sometimes the execution of a service agreement between the Home Country employer and the Host Company is recommended to reduce the risk of prohibited hiring-out of employees.
Employment Law
We help foreign Companies to be aware of any “minimum” local employment laws that apply despite the law governing the employment agreement.
Even if the Host Country is not considered the place of habitual work, some “minimum hardcore of local working conditions” may nevertheless apply from the first day of the secondment. This is a result of the local implementation of the Posted Workers Directive providing for the protection of the minimum working conditions in force in the Host Country despite the law governing the employment agreement. The following are usually considered part of this core: minimum pay rates, maximum working hours and minimum rest periods, minimum paid annual leave, maternity protection, non-discrimination, health and safety and conditions of hiring-out employees.
Our support area in tax application
We help you to be aware of applicable income taxes. First it should be checked if a Double Tax Treaty exists between the Home Country and the Host Country. If that is the case, then employees who are seconded for more than 183 days will most likely be taxable on their remuneration in the Host Country, at least on their Host Country sourced salary. However, it is of utmost importance to verify in each situation the Double Tax Treaty concerned as the wording and conditions may differ from Treaty to Treaty. Remeber that there are also very important differences in the level of income taxes on salary between the different countries. Furthermore the Companies takes the risks about "permanent establishment in the Host Country", specially in Italy. From our point of view, it is clear that depending on the situation concerned, the presence of the employee may under certain conditions be considered as a permanent establishment of the Company in the Host Country. This may give rise to additional (corporate tax) obligations for the Company in the Host Country.
Our support to comply with any other formalities
It should be checked if any other formalities need to be complied with. For example, in some countries (all Europe) the Home Country employer must notify the local Authorities of the Host Country of the employee’s secondment before the start of the secondment. Failure to do so can result in criminal penalties. Also, local language requirements may apply.
Manage Expat Employees
Manage Foreign People in Italy or from Italy
With an environment of tight resources and new challenges, companies are exploring foreign talent pools and assigning expatriate employees to create new capabilities and opportunities overseas. In an era of increasing globalization and off-shore outsourcing, international assignment of expatriates and third country nationals has become a competitive necessity. The process isn't so easy, the expatriation process involves many technical and professional aspects, but also contains personal, social and cultural items, that are often the trigger that make expatriates choose to return to his country ahead of schedule.
We help foreign People to understand local Culture with specific Coaching programs.
Our HR Management Services can provide social training for an employee assigned to work in Italy or around the world and for the employee’s family. The training will familiarize the family with local customs, taboos and expectations for social interactions. In a tailor made Cross-Cultural Business training labor relations laws and hiring practices in the host country will be covered, as well as effective leadership styles in the new culture. We understand that on-boarding is a critical part of the employment experience, for this reason our Professionals can develop and implement a specific on-boarding program tailored for your business.
Sometimes the employee leave his country with his family, so we provides a training usefull to familiarize the family with local customs, taboos and expectations for social interactions.
In a tailor made Cross-Cultural Business training labor relations laws and hiring practices in the host country, specially in Italy, will be covered, as well as effective leadership styles in the new culture.
Our support area in administration
- Helping for authorisation to work ("work permit"), separate visa and/or residence permit.
- Check if the employee can stay in the original pension scheme and can be excluded from any Host Country pension plans.
- Check applicable income taxes and if the duble taxation system is running
- Full assistance for personal tax declarations
Legal support
- Support in case of accident
- Health
- Health and social care insurance and pension
Hiring & Seconding Employees
Hiring & Seconding People in Italy or from Italy
Companies doing business in the world often send employees over to temporarily work at their local subsidiary or affiliated company. These employees keep the employment agreement with their Home Country employer during the secondment and remain employees of the Company. At first glance, only the place of work is temporarily changed. However, many other legal issues may come into play and need proper preparation and well-drafted paperwork. We provides tips each in-house counsel should consider when preparing a secondment to Europe.
Assistance on
- Check the employer goals
- Choise the right legal solution
- Assess whether there’s risk of permanent establishment in the Host Country.
- Check if the employee needs authorisation to work ("work permit") or separate visa and/or residence permit.
- Determine which law will govern the employment agreement during the secondment.
- Help to understand the local implementation of the Posted Workers Directive providing for the protection of the minimum working conditions in force in the Host Country despite the law governing the employment agreement.
- Check that hiring-out of employees is allowed and if so under what conditions.
- Determine if you need to comply with any other formalities.
- Understand how much cost the Temporary Posting / -Seconding / -Hiring
Our support area in administration
- Define Remuneration Plan Administration
- Define Contribution Plan Administration
- Define Tax Plan Administration
- Employee Benefits Administration
- Global Payroll Services
- HR as a Service (HRaaS)
- On-Premises HR Outsourcing & Payroll Services
Legal support
- Employment contracts
- Collective Agreement (CAO)
- Temporary posting/seconding/temporary hiring
- Termination of employment contract (dismissal)
- Managing Director / Statutory Director
- Reimbursement of expenses or company car
- Non-competition clause/non-solicitation clause
- Working hours, holidays, leave
- Wage claims
- Damage
- Transfer of company
- Employee participation (works council, personnel representative)
- Inappropriate behaviour or discrimination
- Incapacity and re-integration
- Work by foreign labourers
- Health and social care insurance and pension
Luciano Beretta
Certified Labor Consultant - Statutory AuditorEducation
Economic School Istituto Pietro Verri, Milano
Phone: (+39) 02 87247001
Fax: (+39) 02 87247005
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Certified Labor Consultant & Auditor
He has a longstanding experience both in labor law and in tax law. Over sixty years of professional career dedicated to business service.
- He was a member of the National Council of Labor Consultants as Treasurer
- He was President of ANCL - National Association Certified Labor Consultant - Milano
Presentations & Publications
- He was a fiscal lecturer
- He was an account and business lecturer at religious institutions
Bar Admissions
- Tax Court of First Instance and Tax Court of Appeal of Milan
Loris Beretta
HR Management, administration and Labour LawEducation
2015/16: Post graduate course in restucturing & banckruptcy
1996: Uniform Certified Public Accountant Examination
1990: PhD in Business Administration and Management (Bocconi University - Milan)
1988: Register of industrial electronics experts
1980: High school leaving qualification in industrial electronics
Phone: (+39) 0287247001
Fax: (+39) 0287247005
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Chartered Accountant; Auditor; Certified Industrial Electronic Expert
With more than 27 years in HR Consulting environment, I directed projects in complex context and supported the board level for a range of companies in many sectors, including Fashion, Retail, Financials, Consumer Goods, Utilities, Transportation. I am specialist in labour & fiscal law, my firm is based in Milan & Rome. I have qualifications and practical experience in the range of scientific disciplines about HR Management and significant experience in partnering with clients to resolve legal disputes and comply with legal complexities. I regulary write publications on fiscal and labour law. I regularly lecture on labour law at seminars for the continuing education of lawyers/accountants/HR specialist.
- Actual: Commissione Lavoro dell'Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e Esperti Contabili di Milano
- Past: Commissione Ausiliari del Giudice - sottocommissione Esecuzioni Immobiliari dell'Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e Esperti Contabili di Milano
- Past: Commissione Enti Pubblici dell'Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e Esperti Contabili di Milano
- Associated with AIDP - Italian HR Directors Association
Presentations & Publications
- Some of the most important lectures:
- 17/06/2015 - ODCEC Milano - Le principali modifiche al rapporto di lavoro nel Jobs Act
- 17/11/2015 - c/o Gruppo Azimut per ODCEC Milano - Il welfare pratico e la tutela patrimoniale: Il Welfare nella fiscalità e nella previdenza
- 24/03/2016 - ODCEC Milano - Aspetti fiscali e previdenziali alla luce della Legge di Stabilità 2016
- 04/05/2016 - Gruppo Azimut - Diventare competitivi con il welfare aziendale
- 18/05/2016 - Edizioni Este - Tecnologia e conoscenze giuridiche finalmente insieme al servizio delle risorse Umane
- 12/07/2016 - Edizioni Este - Il ruolo del professionista nel cambiamento organizzativo
- 13/07/2016 - Gruppo Azimut - I vantaggi del welfare aziendale
- 12/10/2016 - Edizioni Este - Perfomance Management: il sistema per una strategia vincente
- 10/11/2016 - Hitachi Systems CBT spa - Smart Working: una norma molte conseguenze
- 19/12/2016 - FEDERMANAGER per ODCECMI - Il cambiamento organizzativo come opportunità per le imprese
- 20/12/2016 - ODCEC Milano - La riforma del lavoro autonomo: implicazioni fiscali, contributive e assicurative
- 21/12/2016 - ODCEC Milano - Lo Smart Working: l'impatto organizzativo dell'applicazione delle nuove norme su Welfare e Smart Working
- 09/02/2017 - ODCEC Milano - Paghe in cloud: siamo pronti? L'esperienza di un collega
- 17/02/2017 - ODCEC Milano e Gruppo ODCEC Area Lavoro Nazionale con la partecipazione del Senatore Maurizio Sacconi - Lo smart working: analisi e proposte di modifica al Disegno di Legge n. 2233
- 31/03/2017 - Edizioni Este - Tecnologia e Formazione: un binomio perfetto per una gestione HR di successo, con la partecipazione di Simone Piperno di Kairos Solutions srl.
- 04/04/2017 - ODCEC Milano - Aggiornamento normativo: il welfare aziendale
- 11/05/2017 - ODCEC Lucca per Gruppo ODCEC Area Lavoro Nazionale - Contrattazione di secondo livello e welfare aziendale: aspetti organizzativi, previdenziali e tributari
- 14/11/2017 - ODCEC Milano - La mobilità dei lavoratori all'estero: Esempi pratici di distacco
- 14/12/2017 - CIIP Milano; Comune di Milano; Regione Lombardia; Inail; ODCEC Milano - Le sfide della sicurezza inclusiva e l'accomodamento ragionevole: il punto di vista aziendale
- Pubblications:
- Newsletter edited by Commissione Lavoro dell'Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti e Esperti Contabili di Milano
- Quaderno n. 68 dal titolo "Il welfare aziendale dalla teoria alla pratica" a cura della Commissione Lavoro - 2016 -
Bar Admissions
- Tax Court of First Instance and Tax Court of Appeal of Milan
Edda Morello
Financial ConsultantEducation
Economic School Cavalli e Conti, Milano
Phone: (+39) 0287247001
Fax: (+39) 0293664657
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Role & Skills
She is our General Director
She has a solid experience in business management and credit management.
She is experienced in administrative and a financial Management.
She is our Human Resources Manager
She is associated with AIDP - HR Director's Italian Association
Tax & Accounting
Setting up a new business can be daunting, but with the right accountant, it does not have to be.
If you choose our Accounting & Tax Services, your business will be in good hands. When you talk, we listen and learn all we can about your business in order to provide accounting and tax planning strategies that will preserve resources and increase profits. We'll thoughtfully design a package of accounting services around your needs and will always provide personalized support and advice when you call on us for assistance.
Individual clients benefit from our proactive tax planning and professional tax preparation services. We'll accurately calculate your income taxes and file them promptly.
Whether you are a business or an individual, when it comes to taxes, everyone wants to pay less. Planning ahead can help you do just that. Call us to save yourself time and energy, and make sure your taxes are done on time. Whether you're looking for individual or business tax preparation services, we are the solution. We work with you throughout the year to create a smart tax strategy that works with your personal or business goals.
We can help with all paperwork and forms necessary, and file before the deadline to make sure your finances are taken care of. We work hard to find qualifying credits and deductions to save you money, carefully cross checking our work to give you the most benefit..
Don't have the time or energy to devote to keeping up with every single penny passing through your business? No problem. We are dedicated to making your life easier by handling it for you! Our team will keep track of all your personal or business financial transactions, including all purchases, sales and payments. We pride ourselves on our attention to detail and will do everything we can to keep your business focused on a healthy bottom line. We strive to make a difference in the accounting industry. The technology and tools available today can be a pure bliss when it comes to managing your business. We want to make your accounting system simple, understandable, accessible, affordable and overall enjoyable to you. Whether it is taxes, bookkeeping, payroll or preparation of financial statements. We aim to offer an excellent solution based on individual business needs to push you towards the right growth you deserve. We want to make sure that you achieve your goal by saving time, energy and money.
Our support area in Tax & Accounting
- Real Estate
- Tax return preparation & filing
- Tax consulting
- Tax Audit Representation
- Payroll services and setup
- Budgeting
- Bookkeeping
- Forecasting cash flow
- Internal control management
Tax Services
Motor vehicle accident cases are our strong suit
Norem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
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Turabitur ultrices commodo magna culpa
Norem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Our support area in vehicle accident
- Motorcycle accidents
- Commercial vehicle accidents
- Boating accidents
- Train accidents
- Railroad worker accidents
- Pedestrian accidents
- Rollover accidents
- Rental car accidents
- Underage drinking accidents
Legal Secretarial Services
The corporate services extend to providing company secretarial services for our Clients, including:
- liaising with your appointed share registry;
- attending and minuting board meetings;
- arranging, attending and minuting shareholder meetings, including the annual general meeting;
- drafting notices of meeting;
- maintaining statutory registers in conjunction with our client’s appointed share registry (where appropriate);
- attending to the issue, allotment, transference, transmission, and forfeiture of shares, certificates and registration of share capital, and instructing the share registry to perform these functions;
- organising production of the annual report;
- managing timing and lodgement with the exchange of all mandatory and periodic reports;
- advising the company and directors about continuous disclosure requirements, the Listing Rules of the ASX and the Corporations Act; and
- managing shareholder correspondence and providing advice where required.
HR IT Services
HR Global Solution
The integrated database shared by all Zucchetti HR Infinity suite keeps all data constantly aligned and avoids errors and repetitive data entry, saving time:
- personal and organizational data for employees and the company;
- cost data concerning individual salaries and accessory costs for personnel from payroll procedures (i.e.: salary, bonuses, contributions, accruals, etc.)
- personnel management and government cost data from other procedures (i.e..: training, recruitment, PPE, canteen, outsourcing, etc.)
Integrated management template
The solution offers an innovative template to increase the data information content on HR management. In fact, personnel cost is analyzed in all its components and dynamics to indicate "why" the cost changes and consequently identify the management policies that govern it.
What can an integrated system do for your company? It resolves problems caused by solutions that "do not talk to each other” and that instead of facilitating business and promoting efficiency, produce complexities. It removes the technical constraints of traditional systems, which are often incompatible with one another, to design, build and manage the processes that integrate the administrative, organisational and development aspects of human resources within a single application.
Global HR Portal Solutions
Aggregate all of your career, health and wealth programs into a single user experience to reach all HR consumers – incorporating new and existing self-service tools to help drive desired workforce behaviors. Our robust HR portal solutions, coupled with our communication expertise, give you a platform to efficiently communicate with all HR “consumers”, including employees, managers, job candidates, retirees and the business. Our portals deliver desired messages and support informed decision making — while building the foundation for future growth.
The weight of management costs
HR management, along with all its processes and flows, is one of the most important and significant expense items of companies and includes various “hidden costs.” Research conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers showed that "hidden costs" can account for up to 65% of total expenses of HR management. For this reason we provide high-quality solutions that allow the HR Department to optimise the efficiency and performance of its management processes.
We support HR Departments because we are fully convinced that they are strategic contributors to the business goals, providing a new value proposition to give companies an efficient and flexible IT system aligned with the new "time-to-market" dynamics for planning, measuring, assessing and monitoring the processes.
An approach appreciated and recognized by the market, as evidenced by the major companies who have chosen us.
A wide range of solutions
- Payroll
- Workforce Management
- Talent Management to manage the entire lifeccycle of employees
- Travel Management for the entire management of business trip processes
- HR Analytics that allows having all the information to make better decisions
- Mobile revolutionises the way of communicating with employees