Quisque hendrerit risus quis urna ultrices venenatis ac et risus. Morbi et nulla enim, sed vestibulum sem. Curabitur sodales elementum enim eu facilisis. Phasellus pharetra elit et neque gravida vestibulum. Nulla eget mauris at augue sollicitudin scelerisque nec a lectus.
Integer euismod fermentum felis, id sollicitudin est molestie in. Donec a bibendum sem. Mauris vitae libero arcu. Vestibulum consequat ipsum ut orci laoreet quis hendrerit diam cursus.
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A Doctoral Dissertation Dissertation Philosophie Conscient How To Write Explanatory Essay - You may have noticed that, though the above paragraph aligns pretty closely with the provided outline, there is one large exception: the first few words. These words are example of a transitional phrase – others include "furthermore," "moreover," but also "by contrast" and "on the other hand" – and are the hallmark of good writing.Transitional phrases are useful for showing the reader where one section ends and another begins. It may be helpful to see them as the written equivalent of the kinds of spoken cues used in formal speeches that signal the end of one set of ideas and the beginning of another. In essence, they lead the reader from one section of the paragraph of another.
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